What does tminus mean
What does tminus mean

what does tminus mean

I’ve never been good about running in the morning, especially during the winter, so I spent a lot of after-work hours in the gym on the treadmill this cycle. Now, I have to slot my workouts in before or after work like a normal human being.

what does tminus mean

In my previous job, I took full advantage of having a flexible work schedule and would often squeeze in an easy run in between conference calls or get a workout done during lunch. One of the biggest changes to my routine, though, has been working in an office again after working remotely for over 4 years.

what does tminus mean

After a bittersweet transition to the new gig in late December (made slightly more stressful by the holidays), I’m happy where I’ve landed. So much has happened in the past few months – and one of the first little outlets to drop off was this little corner of the internet.įirst, I started a new job in January. Here were just 4 days from the Carmel Marathon and I have yet to share a single update on my training. It’s typically followed by how much is left in the countdown, e.g., T – minus 2 days before we leave for Europe.Well, well, well. Since its inception at NASA, t – minus has successfully entered the public consciousness as being used for the beginning of a countdown. The definition of: T is “Side smile” How do you use T minus days? ‘it’s T – minus 15 days until Mother’s Day’ ‘at about T – minus 30 seconds the crowd is just going crazy’ What does t mean in texting? Used to indicate that a specified amount of time remains before an event is scheduled or expected to take place. The last ten seconds are usually counted down aloud ” Ten seconds to liftoff.

what does tminus mean

” T minus Time” is a system to mark points at which actions necessary for the launch are planned – this time stops and starts as various hold points are entered, and so doesn ‘ t show the actual time to launch. Usually a time unit is given or indicated, like T minus 2 seconds, or T -00:02:00 ( T minus 2 minutes). It means that something will happen in 2 units (seconds, minutes, hours, or other). During a NASA countdown to a rocket launch, ‘ T – minus ‘ translates to ‘Time minus ‘ the ‘ T ‘ stands for the exact time at which the rocket is scheduled to be launched. The term ‘ T – minus ‘ is generally used during countdowns to space launches. During a NASA countdown to a rocket launch, ‘T-minus’ translates to ‘Time minus’ the ‘T’ stands for the exact time at which the rocket is scheduled to be launched. “T-Minus” – What it means? The term ‘T-minus’ is generally used during countdowns to space launches.

What does tminus mean